Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How To Take More Control Over Your Body

Our body is a very complicated system consisting of thousands of interconnected neural network. We don't even realize what's going on inside our own body which is run almost autonomously.
From that many systems inside our body, it's no surprise that our bodies have many hidden abilities that we do not know.

What if some of the 'autonomous system' inside our body could be re-programmed and upgraded?

Wim Hof tell us that with practice and incremental exposure, we can benefit from the cold and even withstand durations and temperatures that would injure most people. His idea is that our bodies have become weak in the modern world, and through working with the hard forces of nature we can create strength and resilience therefore eliminating the root cause of disease – which are usually associated with low immunity and poor circulation.

Wim has set Guinness records that would cause death in most who attempted them. Just this month, his 21st Guinness World Record was set for longest time submerged in a box of ice filled up to the neck, breaking his previous record.

He is confident that everyone has the innate ability to increase vitality and regulate body temperature, which is usually called “Tummo” in yoga practice.

To summarize the concept, the method Win Hof used is hyperventilation. After a series of deep inhalations and exhalations in succession, the breath is held for as long as comfortable after exhaling, then retention of the inhale for as long as comfortable followed by an exhale and normal breathing. This whole process is a cycle. A few or more cycles can be done before Wim starts his cold immersion. The goal is to saturate the body with oxygen, and to take greater control over the autonomic nervous system.

So, what's the benefit? Here's the list

• Greater ability to regulate body temperature

• Improved circulation

• Increased control over our nervous system

• Heightened level of focus and well being

• Better immune function

To learn more about Wim and his methods check out his website, and if you want to learn the Wim Hof Method, don’t forget to check out Wim’s new in depth online course!
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